Encouraging developments

KKG – Document 34  KKG – Document 35

Dear Neighbour

“Encouraging developments.” That doesn’t mean something good has happened. It means assisting developments to take place.

KKG Document 34 (attached) contains the agenda and the minutes of a meeting held at Knowle Green on 26 June last year. Please note the second last bullet point on the second page.

“RT confirmed SBC were keen to encourage development in parts of the Borough re-enforcing the Boroughs need for appropriate land to come forward to meet the needs.”

When you say things like that at a meeting with the owners of a huge chunk of Green Belt, what you are doing is telling them that its Green Belt status doesn’t matter.

KKG Document 35 (attached) are the notes made of a meeting at Knowle Green on 9 December 2013. That was the day that three LOSRA Committee members were told their fortunes at a meeting with Council representatives. That meeting was attended by the people named at top left (except for Cllr Webb who did not attend the meeting with the LOSRA people). Whether these notes relate to a meeting held before or afterwards is not clear. They are withheld under an exemption for “confidentiality of proceedings”.

And finally, we have been told that another round of consultation by The Jockey Club is about to start in the first week of June. Rest assured, there will be no “confidentiality of proceedings” where KKG is concerned, should we be included in the consultation. We’ll let you know what happens, if anything does. And since this matter of Green Belt land at Kempton Park is a matter of great importance in its implications for the whole of Spelthorne and our neighbours in other boroughs, perhaps you all ought to contact Spelthorne Borough Council and ask to be included …

As ever, these documents are in the public domain. Please feel free to pass them on.

Please encourage your neighbours to join the mailing list.

There is more to come, in due course, over coming weeks.


Keep Kempton Green

Orchestrated manoeuvres in the dark

cartoon foi 11

KKG – Document 9a  KKG – Document 33

Dear Neighbour

Orchestrated manoeuvres in the dark. See the attached.

As ever, these documents are in the public domain. Please feel free to pass them on.

Please encourage your neighbours to join the mailing list.

There is more to come, in due course, over coming weeks.


Keep Kempton Green

Whose timetable?

KKG – Document 31 KKG – Document 32

Dear Neighbour

As you may have read in the extract from the LOSRA Spring 2014 newsletter which was circulated last week, Spelthorne’s Chief Executive, Roberto Tambini, wrote the following, which are the first two sentences of his message which was posted on the LOSRA website on 18 December 2013.

“We welcome this opportunity to make our position on Kempton Park completely clear. As you would expect the Council has regular discussions about future business plans with all the major operations within the borough, including Kempton, but it has not seen or discussed building plans for any development on this site.”

Attached (KKG Document 32) is an exchange of emails in early July last year between the Spelthorne Head of Planning and Mark Boyes, Development Director of Aspire, consultants to the Jockey Club. Read the emails from the bottom up.   The messages indicate that Spelthorne had, indeed, discussed plans for development of the Kempton Park estate – more than five months before Mr Tambini’s text was written.

In fact the messages indicate much more than that. Please note the reference in the email from the Head of Planning to Mark Boyes on 2 July:

“Is there a high level timetable you can share with us re milestones for stages to reach planning application submission by third quarter 2014 please?”

And Mark Boyes’ reply on 4 July:

“…at present I am not able to provide you with our planning milestone programme, however we are adhering to SBC’s timetable of Quarter 4 2014 for a submission.”

SBC’s timetable?

Who is driving this thing forward? The Jockey Club? Or Spelthorne Borough Council?   We think they should come clean on this one…

And just to give you an idea of how much discussion has been taking place, KKG Document 31 (attached) is the pile of documents received so far by fellow residents who have submitted FOI requests to various governmental bodies.

This pile does not include the many documents received by email, or the many more documents not released at all, in order to spare the blushes of The Jockey Club and the Council. But they are still coming in by the bag-full.

The documents relate to an 18 month period. And cover many aspects of the proposed development. Is this what the Council means by “regular discussions”?

As ever, these documents are in the public domain.

Please feel free to pass them on.

Please encourage your neighbours to join the mailing list.

There is more to come, in due course, over coming weeks.


Keep Kempton Green

The LOSRA newsletters

KKG – Document 29  KKG – Document 30

Dear Neighbour

Attached are the front page articles from the LOSRA Autumn 2013 and Spring 2014 newsletters.

As ever, these documents are in the public domain. Please feel free to pass them on.

Please encourage your neighbours to join the mailing list.

There is more to come, in due course, over coming weeks.


Keep Kempton Green